sū qín
意思解释:(Su Qin)战国时期纵横家。字季子,东周洛阳(今河南洛阳东)人。主张合纵攻秦。先奉燕昭王命入齐,进行反间活动,使齐疲于对外战争。齐b167王末年任齐相。与赵国李兑一起约五国合纵攻秦,迫使秦归还部分侵占的魏、赵之地。齐亦乘机攻灭宋国。后来燕将乐毅联合五国大举攻齐,他的反间活动暴露,被车裂处死。
< renown > the Political Strategists when the Warring States. Word Ji Zi, luoyang of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (today Henan Luoyang east) person. When the youth, read classics of shade accord with , read be about to sleep, make drill biting, put wear meritorious service eventually, found combine vertical art neat and smart of Han Wei of Zhao of go canvassing swallow, fight the Qin Dynasty jointly, even if make an appointment with posture of long, 6 nations,Su Qin is, make Qin Guoshi dare not dispatch troops 5 years case cereal closes. Act according to life of swallow clear king to enter again...
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