
guǐ gǔ

意思解释:(Ghost cereal)传说众鬼所聚之地。 指战国楚人鬼谷子。因隐于鬼谷,故自号鬼谷子。长于养性持身和纵横捭阖之术。世传《鬼谷子》一书,今人研究认为系后人伪托。




100 ghost by accident. 9 sigh does · travel faraway : Be proud Hua of sweat of  of Guo of Huan of У of Mie of flea of Zi of branchwooden fork  throws Yi to carry on the back be good at! of Bi ascend Feng Yan Suiling multiplies aghast thunder, angle goes straight towards the report of Yi, so that day, make boreal celestial bodies fastens compose 100 ghost, do not make kill virtuous person also. Ghost cereal, make ' 100 ghost ' . does He Jian fume: of new explain archaic or dialectal words in current language

