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意思解释:(Low defect)形容低眉弯腰的样子。
Adulatory . Exemple: rips O) of à ofch of of of exhausted of millet of of of cut one's throat of Zhang of seed of of of curtain! │ this woman can give a person coquettish only light, ~ (given to flattery of N) of ā of L ā Nd gives a person flatter! collect charm : The that press boundless and indistinct presses P of duty of of of boundless and indistinct. history biographies of the person that remember · day : Thin
卑组词、疵组词、 刚婞、答记、悔咎、晴窗、晩点、棱角、势幸、光熙、黠惠、蔬笋、上奏、着边、转脱、鹤立、卑局、华奢、镇率、强奸、显效、卑疵、