yíng hàn
意思解释:(Greet defend)犹迎战。
N of defend H à is used at defend defend drive etc. defend a variant form of a Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] it is echoism word, form accord with is Piao (hand) , acoustical accord with is dry, original meaning is defend, bodyguard. charm of writing of wide charm · : I, with hand , defend again also. defend also be echoism word, form accord with is Piao (hand) , acoustical accord with is drought, original meaning and with. ...
迎组词、捍组词、 神性、豪吏、失去、优殊、贫暴、彩色、鹅管、扑破、曲襟、攀扶、牵课、佐命、岱宗、奢奓、鉴断、熬愁、格知、恶徒、回员、迎捍、