
zhù wǎng

意思解释:(Wish a net)《史记·殷本纪》:“汤出,见野张网四面,祝曰:‘自天下四方,皆入吾网。’汤曰:‘嘻,尽之矣!’乃去其三面,祝曰:‘欲左,左;欲右,右;不用命,乃入吾网。’”后因以“祝网”为帝王施行仁德之典。




history the Yan Benji that write down · :  of  of scar Lai an ancient drinking vessel stops huge rock  takes of Gui  T ' from the world all directions, all join my networks. ' Shang Yue: of  of ≈ of    ' go therefore thirdly face, wish: of  of   Xi desire right, right; need not life, join my networks therefore. ' vassal Wen Zhi, say:  of cherry of intense of  Lai Lun gathers up Fu Qu!  bakes graceful corrode of Xi of a man's cap used in ancient times of mace of grapes of those of  of white M of bath of Kuo of large bamboo hat takes: Is   fourth

