yè hóu
意思解释:(Leaf monkey)亚洲产的若干种长尾的猴子,与长鼻猴及非洲产的疣猴一起,共同组成一科(疣猴科Colobidae),体形细瘦,一般灰色或棕灰色,有丛密的眉毛和颏垂毛。 东方产的各种叶猴的任一种(叶猴属Presbytis)
Spirit is long kind of mammal. The biggest leaf monkey, body length is close 80 centimeters, end is longer, amount to 107 centimeters. Systemic ash is brown, abdomen is weaker. Facial ministry black, buccal wool and beard are longer. Can walk in the ground with limb and run, also be good at hopping on the tree. It is with leaf, flower and fructification feed. Our country originates in Tibetan south, already rated a state one class protects an animal...
叶组词、猴组词、 拘括、偏院、凄感、汗污、适卒、继嗣、削白、复瓿、房改、仙史、雕今、幽栖、至药、抛掷、悬格、廓尔、三黜、铜板、棋侣、叶猴、