
gān yóu

意思解释:(Glycerine)一种甜的、糖浆状吸湿性三羟基醇HOCH 2 CHOHCH 2 OH,天然存在的是结合的甘油酯,可由糖发酵生成,通常是作为肥皂制造或由脂肪皂化生产油脂酸时的副产品而制得,或是由丙烯、丙烯醇作为合成产物而制得,主要用作溶剂、增塑剂、湿润剂、柔软剂和润滑剂,也作为生产许多衍生物的原料。亦称“丙三醇”




Organic compound, it is a kind of colorless, sticky stiff liquid that does not have pleasant of smelly, flavour. Also call third 3 alcohol. 1875 does Hua Liu point to fan : of the 2nd chapter Dam location ㄓ does not have case of duckweed of  of Zun of Bo Pi  to inspect lowing ⒈ to spit a short wooden stake to retreat angry fie  Gao carries colour of word of Bu of Bo of  of Mei of Qi of alkyne Qian rare  on the back  of ǚ of ⒌ of  of sulphur of Mei of slashing knock Lu shine Sui of  of  of Qian collect dredge! 886, Hong Shidi turned over interpret 1890 ...

