mù dī
意思解释:(Herd Di)苏武牧羊的典故。汉苏武出使匈奴,单于胁迫他投降,苏武不屈服。后来把他流放到“北海上无人处,使牧羝(公羊),羝乳乃得归”。羝根本不会产乳,以此来断绝他回汉的希望。苏武在匈奴坚持了十九年,“及归,须发皆白”。见《汉书·苏武传》。
The source sees Su Wu section . Call the anguish with defect exotic body. Wen Tianxiang of the Song Dynasty does October of second the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches jump over elk of Bi of 5 days of meet with one day to have to swallow feel and endow with poetic: oath of Jia of eddy of ├ Qiang;burst;ulcerate;festers to leave Pi since Щ of of wet Qin ! Body of ゴ of Piao of team of of money team crotch turns over sad chant of old man of a place of strategic importance that break a horse, ...
牧组词、羝组词、 玉温、雷岸、笔论、便士、初嫁、石穴、灊庐、章绣、贵茂、战略、叹想、谄顺、露朽、谦恕、好闲、鲜鲙、德宇、天竹、赏鉴、牧羝、