
zōng zhōu

意思解释:(Zong Zhou)指周王朝。因周为所封诸侯国之宗主国,故称。 周代王都所在,如丰、镐、洛邑亦称为宗周。




Point to Zhou Wangchao. Zhou Wei each suzerain of vassal country, friend says Zong Zhou. is · of The Book of Songs small elegant · the first month of the lunar year : Hold high dip in ì ofs of  of  of  of cut up with a hay cutter) of . (illustrious: Alarm ⒚ is ill of Zhou Youwang of last years of a dynasty or reign of the Western Zhou Dynasty of 0  bestow favor on the wife of a prince. : ② of of ducking an ancient wine vessel made of horn points to Zhou Dai's Wang Dou. Zhou Wei vassal state institute ancestor, seat of its Wang Dou is like reason abundant, pick, Luo Yi is called ancestor...

