
zhuā náo

意思解释:(Catch flinch)用指甲或轻或重地抓搔。 抓取,获得。 喻指做事、干活。


〈方〉 抓;搔:~几下就不痒了。 把东西弄得很凌乱:把东西~得满地都是。 打架:两口子又~起来了,快去劝劝吧! 忙乱地赶着做:一下子增加这么多人吃饭,一个人~不过来。 挣;挣钱:大把的~钱…


< square > catch; to scratch:  drives excuse me of condyle of join canister lie! of the tip of a twig of coal of  of dispatch  coxa ancienting name for a water catltrop gets thing ~ full ground is. Fight: Does jab of swan of  of frame of charming Mi bless make fun of of saddle of  melt ト to be being driven bustlingly do: Mian of glair of Huang human relations lures pay cook a meal come on  of post Wu excuse me returns  of suitable Yuan Geng  plinth! Does ≌ earn money:  of  of copy of a cricket example

