
tú yǔn

意思解释:(Massacre die)谓被杀丧命。




(1) funeral, die. history since writing down · Chinese to promote vassal chronological table : Bu of ≌ of  of Gui of limit of the Yin that press Jia still warmths ablaze  of Yu of Qiao of  of  of  of Zhuo of dizzy F of Shen ǎ  ! Bake of copy of part of the day of  of  of   Dou Lang alack, its unexpectedly its give birth to with this ~ , doesn't curb have difficulty and send this (2) is connected fall from the sky . Fall. a surname child is · endowed with : Be proud row just ぁ of Piao of tamper of ┠ of  stalk  ! Is spurt cough make a present of fourth

