
yí yíng

意思解释:(Move be filled with)晋大夫栾书(栾武子)贤,覆及其子黡(栾桓子);然黡恶,又祸及黡子盈(栾怀子)。栾黡死,盈之善未能及人,而黡之恶祸遂移盈而不可免。后栾氏终于被灭。事见《左传·襄公十四年》。后用以为典,谓人承先祖善恶之迹,不可变易。




is the left assist that pass · fair 14 years carry: Wu Zi of goldenrain tree of of spade of  midge Tiao) virtuous, blessing reachs his child Zuo (goldenrain tree Huan Zi) ; like that Zuo is evil, dead, child the be apt to that be filled with fails to reach a person, and the evil disaster of Zuo moves to be filled with and cannot be avoided then, goldenrain tree family name is destroyed eventually. In order to is allusion after, call the disease of good and evil of person Cheng Xianzu, cannot become easy. is appraise of Chinese book · passed : Plain  of Huang of  of powerfuling Guo of anxiety of show off of  of  einsteinium

