
yè hòu

意思解释:(Ye Hou)唐李泌贞元三年,拜中书侍郎、同中书门下平章事,累封邺县侯,家富藏书。后用为称美他人藏书众多之典。




[Provenance] the Tang Dynasty · Han Yu send Zhu Gejiao to go to read along with the city . [Paraphrase] the book abounds Ye Hou Jiacang, amount to 30 thousand, one by one pensile toothpick, brand-new if do not have,had been touched by the hand. [Usage] form tolerate with others collects books to abound; or describe a person to read encyclopedical. [Commonly used form] Hou waiting for Ye is worn be filled with Ye 4 walls toothpick rich toothpick of toothpick of 10 thousand toothpick Hou of Ye of 10 thousand axes wears toothpick of 30 thousand axes Ye...

