fàn zhāng
意思解释:(Model piece)东汉范式、张劭的并称。二人友善,重义守信,有死友之称。后常以范张比喻生死不渝的至友。见《后汉书·独行传·范式》。 范蠡、张良的并称。古代以为名臣功成恬退的典范。
Point to type of model of the later Han dynasty, Zhang Shao, 2 people friendship is deep. Fabulous piece when dying, fan Meng sees Zhang Lai announces bury day, even if is hurried off to. When Fan Wei arrives, piece coffin a coffin with corpse in will issue Kuang, and cannot enter, need white horse of model element car, wail and come, only then get bury. See · of book of the later Han dynasty is passed all right alone . Much in order to compares the bosom friend of heavy faith after. Liu Jun is wide break off relations talked : Is amine mound pigheaded
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