
yǒng xiàng

意思解释:(Always alley)宫中长巷。宫中署名。掌管后宫人事,有令、仆射等,汉武帝时改为掖庭,有狱监禁宫人。深巷;长巷。 宫中署名。掌管后宫人事,有令、仆射等, 汉武帝 时改为掖庭,有狱监禁宫人。参见“永巷宫人”。 深巷;长巷。




Sign in Chinese generation palace, set your, fall forward is shot etc, human affairs of the palace after administer, have person of palace of jail captivity the wife of a prince aing concubine of an emperor. Front courtyard of assist of the instead when Wu Di. history this discipline after the Lv that write down · : Excuse me of Ling of Shen of Di of old Kai of bay four Ban! Hail Shi is rich make  embroider  foolish mire ∷  ! of mansion of Li of  of  of bed mat made of woven stripe of bamboo of ず of the two that bet delicacy always alley deficient is empty, ③ deep alley.

