
lǚ zuò

意思解释:(Walk on Zun)指天子即位。 指大臣就高位。




(1) blessing. Li Mi is Chen Qing expressed :  of regretful Pan ァ . ⅰ of  of  moraine discharge! 2) is blessed, bless. is the left announce that pass · fair 3 years :  of approach of Jian of scar shank  promotes Zuo } to stop. (: of Zh ǐ Dysentery Min fair the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor : Does  of cherry of cane of  of scar melt Dian fall into oblivion of  leavessing of pulse plants (big child:  imprints N leavessing of pulse plants points to do not stay in advance country. ) (Mr 3) , the country carries. history the Qin Chu that write down · ...

