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意思解释:(Gauss)秦赵高、李斯的并称。 磁感应强度单位。放置在均匀磁场中的很长的直导线,当它的方向和磁场方向垂直,电流强度为10安倍,每厘米长的导线受到的磁力作用为1达因时,磁感应强度就是1高斯。这个单位是为了纪念德国科学家高斯(CarlFriedrichGauss)而得名。
Unit of magnetic induction intensity. Place the very long straight lead in even magnetic field, the way that becomes it and magnetic field direction are perpendicular, voltaic intensity is 10, when the magnetomotivity that every centimeters long lead gets is 1 dyne, magnetic induction intensity is 1 gauss. Tesla of 1 gauss =10-4. This unit is to commemorate German scientist gauss (CarlFriedr...
高组词、斯组词、 归反、艞板、口皮、亏柔、卜祝、名人名言、今日金价、北京时间校准、繁体字转换器、今日油价、bmi计算器、时间戳转换器、汉字转拼音、公积金贷款计算器、春节倒计时、高考倒计时、数字大写转换器、网络测速、美元兑人民币汇率、随机密码生成器