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意思解释:(Answer company)明末江南士大夫主张改良政治的文学结社之一。明天启时江南张溥、陈贞慧等初结应社,崇祯六年又集合南北文社中人,会于苏州虎丘,取兴复绝学之义,成立复社,继东林党之后,以讲学批评时政。南明弘光时,屡受马士英、阮大铖的迫害。清军南下,复社主要人物吴应箕、陈子龙等参加抗清,殉难。顺治九年,复社被清政府取缔解散。
< renown > the political group that scholar-bureaucrat of bright end Changjiang Delta forms. At that time, social contradiction is increasingly acerb. Too the person such as person Zhang Pu, Zhang Cai combines the storehouse the company of a few article of Changjiang Delta, form answer company. They argue improved politics, suffer the suppress of the person that be in power. ...
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