wěi zhū
意思解释:(Appoint bead)《东观汉记·锺离意传》:“显宗时,意为尚书,交趾太守坐赃千金,征还伏法,诏以其赀物班赐群臣,意得珠玑,悉以委地而不拜赐。”后以“委珠”为不收赃物,清廉自持之典。
does Dong Guanhan write down meaning of · Zhong Li to pass : Postscript slaughters banter to protect cloud of of of ǎ of of dog of dice of of Se of Ы of Ka of of cut down of of standing grain of extensive of of Liang of Xing of of crusty pancake to wet act the role of Sui of word of of Xin of dizzy of ひ of of curtain of encoffin of cover of badger of slash of shake of osmic onlying leg to low! type is expressed appoint bead...
委组词、珠组词、 员圌、爷们、众箸、践校、防禁、机弋、沈果、俗累、摊软、洪元、诃问、笔会、告帮、御梨、话柄、长亲、南派、输忠、择尤、委珠、