
lù luàn

意思解释:(Busy chaos)忙乱。




< form > bustling; is mixed and disorderly. Wu Yu. Shanghai Song Jiang: ⑺ of vinegar of  of battle of  of = of  Ni ā overspreads Zuo . Professional story-telling in a local dialect Yue Fei 31: Ah  is thin Gu of Dong of Qu of Pen of ┞ of Xing Huihuai  of anxious Guo  is rare! Hail is moved > busy. Wu Yu. Jiangsu Suzhou. alarm does the world know character · plan sign time does Jin Man produce disaster : Ah is mansion of  of coffin of  of  of  of heavy tariff of  of amaranth of  of stalk of  duty guanidine pigheaded

