qiào gōng
意思解释:(Become warped bend)《左传·庄公二十二年》引逸诗:“翘翘车乘,招我以弓。”杜预注:“古者聘士以弓。”后因以“翘弓”为礼聘贤才的典实。
is the east bank that pass · state-owned 22 years make escape poem : Gather up party of candy a raised lot of land for planting flowers plays form second to complain ! Times by ぷ ancient person hire person with bend. hind because of with become warped bend to invite the literary quotation of virtuous ability cordially. Does Chen Zhouhong of the Southern Dynasties let with book of circumference of Xu Ling Jian :
翘组词、弓组词、 亲洽、炎炉、麈拂、完竣、健讼、立政、屈节、履籍、爹妈、司铎、滑石、别房、钢缆、逃债、把酒、筹碗、掷色、睃看、开铺、翘弓、