gōng rù
意思解释:(Labour elaborate)精妙繁密。
(Of 1) dense collect adorn. Zhang Heng Xi Jingfu : of excuse me of cochlea of moisture in the soil of of curtain of confused of assist of Ang situation Fu rainwatering in puddles! 2) dense. Ou Yangxiu Qiu Shengfu : of awl of Jing Xiong of limit of of of of of of otter of amine Hu Qi a bit deceive! 3) is connected cotton-padded mattress . The mattress. Is Xie Hui connected Xue Fu : Thin
工组词、缛组词、 封闭、开身、胜邪、陵藉、木鲸、二爷、概则、胡元、岘山、讨服、斗胜、关拘、羡门、防贼、僧讲、推割、老悭、侧柏、综核、工缛、