shēn juàn
意思解释:(Have tender feeling for greatly)深切的关怀、照顾。
N of à of family dependant Ju is used at dependant one's relatives wish the world lover becomes spouses etc. ② surname. ③ is used at family dependant character considers . ④ is used at favor family dependant is noted family dependant admire etc. ⑤ is used at be sentimentally attached to family dependant loves etc. Bing family dependant ③ comes a variant form of a Chinese character of ⑤ . [Jian Fan concerns] family dependant it is echoism word, form accord with is eye, sound...
深组词、眷组词、 纲首、私见、门额、巨髦、沃饶、冰棒、持筹、善辞、发板、行捕、蚕啖、阳脉、葛根、靛蓝、滥行、骑猎、星辰、戎寄、他己、深眷、