
yī qī

意思解释:(Yi Qi)语出《诗·小雅·小明》:“心之忧矣,自诒伊戚。”后遂以“伊戚”指烦恼、忧患。




is poetic · small elegant · Xiaoming : Target is troubled by  of  Ju Ying to be in money cure Qian! Bake scepter Bao bath makes cure Qian smooth with a rake our mound line blinks regretful of team of Sui of postscript of Wu of G of  antrum flesh of Sha of Feng Zhong Xu first, wu Men has person, collect 1000 people with a clang rob, sign home answer for magniloquence nip cheat, not hesitate again thousands of gold is bribe. The place fears relative of leave behind Yi, disaster happens answer bring into. ...

