xū fā
意思解释:(Empty hair)指箭或子弹没有射中目标。 空拉弓弦而不放箭。 《战国策·楚策四》:“更羸 与 魏王 处京臺之下,仰见飞鸟。
This pointing to that the bird that has sufferred arrow injury hears bowstring voice Jing must fall. Figurative person has sufferred fright or blow, meet similar condition again, frighten disturbed. △ these days, sun San old man all the time Jing mood is uneasy, extremely suspicious. Become in this mouth, gave: of this unlucky thing Ke of Jiao of of of Ji Suo Ke. Does of Yan of full of of Wan Qiao stretch tight Pi of glucoside of barren of dispatch of heir of a surname other pregnant of of making fun of
虚组词、发组词、 嘴筒、肤语、苏堤、头讫、开行、巴漫、枉步、奥主、菜饭、叨飻、力农、喷子、松津、羽钗、闲非、离决、从今、野烧、冬冬、虚发、