
jīng yuè

意思解释:(Classics month)指太阴历月亮经历一次朔望的标准时间;整月。




A month. Be year old, changsha somebody dead ~ is renascent. (· of book of the later Han dynasty offers record of the Supreme Being ) ② first advocate with ~ of art be locked in a stalemate, lv Bu takes advantage of a weak point a next Pi. (· of book of Sichuan of · of annals of the Three Kingdoms first advocate pass ) ③ like that Kun devoteds to already advance room, element has look again, by arrest ~ , anger of far and near sighs. (Liu Kun of advance book · is passed ) its wine does not move ④ , the sweet beauty of drink and drunk, ~ does not wake. (the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces...

