zhēng lǔ
意思解释:(Sign prisoner of war)指东汉祭遵。遵封征虏将军,取士皆用儒术,对酒设乐,必雅歌投壶。事见《后汉书·祭遵传》。
Royal hold the agree is static 3 edges, general more the thing straps Yan Ran. The heart knows arrogant child must achieve greatly, shame sees balefire illuminate Gan Quan. Period door shoots body nip vulture child, ling of the Wu Gou in small box at water. Vulture Ge Chiyu 3000 ride, setting sun yellow cloud 10 thousand lis. Be when and tall...
征组词、虏组词、 宏词、完坚、相妨、汩沉、毽子、凿台、抛文、逆政、笔冢、僧坊、瓦盘、抱肚、子厂、顾庐、伏节、寸愿、壹何、鼓词、近思、征虏、