hūn mò
意思解释:(Faint Chinese ink)指官吏枉法妄为,贪赃受贿。语出《左传·昭公十四年》:“己恶而掠美为昏,贪以败官为墨,杀人不忌为贼。
Faint H ū N is used at crepuscular morning faints etc. ② is used at dim befuddled dim-sighted etc. ③ is used at daze dippy be blinded by lust for money etc. ④ is used at insensible faint etc. faint a variant form of a Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] faint be knowingly word, original meaning is eventide, when Tian Gang is black. ...
昏组词、墨组词、 贤藴、浅尽、汉风、执袂、董一、茨檐、出粗、贸卜、扎心、极卒、喷水、奇擎、清轨、乌寺、众虑、胚乳、个里、林薄、程君、昏墨、