
tài sì

意思解释:(Too Si)亦作“大姒”。 有莘氏之女,周文王妻,武王母。《诗·大雅·思齐》:“大姒嗣徽音,则百斯男。”毛传:“大姒,文王之妃也。”《史记·管蔡世家》:“武王同母兄弟十人,母曰太姒,文王正妃也。”后用为贤母的典实。




(Of 1) younger brother wife to elder brother wife appellation. Between sisters-in-law each other also but appellative Si . is the left clear that pass · fair 28 years : Crisp Gu of give a talking-to of crock of  of Bai You Qia confuses ' ~ of long father's younger brother is unripe male. ' (aunt: 3 な points to Mou  float father's younger brother to. ) (2) elder sister. does row daughter pass · Lu Gong to multiply Si : Abstruse thorough  follows disease of  of  of ぶ of remote in time or space of convention of  of thorough of φ Lu  ! Thin

