zhàn dān
意思解释:(Inn sheet)货栈收受托存货物时发给货主的凭证。一般载有托存货物的名称、规格、数量等。货主凭栈单可向货栈提取托存货物。
Warehouse accepts the certificate that consignor issues when content of be commissioned goods in stock. Carry the name that asks thing of goods in stock, norms, amount to wait commonly. Consignor can ask thing of goods in stock to warehouse extraction by inn sheet. ...
栈组词、单组词、 流郑、地宜、昌基、瞋喝、楚壤、饱嗅、争国、冶异、力度、曲偻、柴米、暖国、中林、贝夹、县宰、每人、鹤寿、钩距、慈菰、栈单、