
cí gū

意思解释:(Kind wild rice)见“慈姑”。




Water chest nut. Is Tang Bai house easy walk on a pool to go up poetic: Deceive of skirt of ご of aspic of male chaos of  of  of chaste tree of sieve of She of arm of basketry Da enemy 〕 ! of  of  of younger sister of Lai of crafty of lung of deceive of skirt of ご of Sui of  of beans of  of  of  of the sliding weight of a steelyard of handsome fat of a keeper of domestic animals of Jing Guan of Dong of Bi Huan of pump bone thorium arrowhead year old unripe 12 child, be like the lacteal Zhu Zi of arrowhead, reason with the name. The person that make arrowhead, blame. also make arrowhead .

