guò gēng
意思解释:(Over- more)古代徭役制度的一种规定,应服役的人出钱入官,由官别雇人代为服役。
A kind of regulation of archaic corvee system. The person that should enlist in army goes money to join an officer, employ a person additionally to enlist in army for you by the official. history biographies of the You Xia that write down · every come carry out more, had counted, does official not beg does collect of a surname Zuo solve Yin Ruchun to say: of of case raw meat or fish has soldier more, have carry out more, had had more. ...
过组词、更组词、 雁峯、富腴、奸回、败盟、淘战、瑑璧、着花、不甚、便美、狼籍、宝莲、汪翔、饭鬻、浮阳、都吏、雕变、独岛、手罩、生洲、过更、