pì méng
意思解释:(Monarch alliance)谓开诚心,歃血立盟。《周礼·夏官·戎右》:“盟则以玉敦辟盟,遂役之,赞牛耳桃茢。”郑玄注:“将歃血者,先执其器,为众陈其载辞,使心皆开辟也。”一说,谓开敦盖后歃血为盟。孙诒让正义:“窃谓敦有盖,歃血时必先开其盖而后盟,是为辟盟。”
(1) two square or kill animal sacrifice form of swearing with all possible means, pledge before the god conclude a treaty. fair the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor of the different hidden from view that pass · : Sha of to shirk of of float of apology of ヒ of Ang hundred! The solemn promise with2) common be used in a general sense. history biographies of Wu Qi of the grandchildren that write down · : not answer into defend. ' ...
辟组词、盟组词、 万事、信义、吐翕、禅规、时雪、排场、栖隐、移表、重布、无学、退稿、枯查、二盖、讽讽、林巘、洪族、闲简、系世、到眼、辟盟、