wéi bó
微型博客。[例]12月28日15时19分,云南省宣传部副部长伍皓在其新浪微博上发布了此条“围脖”。此“围脖”迅速被网友围观,伍皓也收到了多家媒体的电话追访。(《齐鲁晚报》2009年12月28日) 随着今年新浪微博的强势推出,姚晨、李开…
Miniature rich guest. [Exemple] on December 28 15 when 19 minutes, wu Hao of undersecretary of department of Yunnan province propaganda released this on its sina small gain scarf . This scarf be surrounded quickly to watch by the netizen, the telephone call that Wu Hao also got much home medium is chased after visit. (Qi Lu evening paper on December 28, 2009) as sina is small this year of rich strong roll out, yao Chen, Li Kai...
围组词、脖组词、 内簿、栅锁、跑账、仪章、宿麦、让话、饮鸩、迟俄、围堰、稀少、抆泪、凶刀、职主、龙仔、缓箭、骄妇、伯德、备阅、洋纸、围脖、