shí méi
意思解释:(10 eyebrow)见“十眉图”。借指十个美女。泛指众美女。 借指十个美女。 泛指众美女。
Gold of treasure chest horsetail whisk Tomahawk, week painting sees true pen. Spring breeze ever recalled ode enchanting, person in all draw is become 11. Flower of candle slave popular ground coagulates solely, clank iron noise is heard 3 more. Vehicle reputation thunderous is illogical language, horizontal stroke of eye condition wave sends affection for nothing. Pretty Yun Panhe...
十组词、眉组词、 黼荒、街头、后厦、宏域、人祅、司阙、木实、心景、凡主、佚豫、谱録、热忱、步马、举将、谬种、猬奋、贻尘、鄽市、并比、十眉、