jiè yòng
意思解释:(Use)为了当时或临时的使用而借别人的东西用。 引用,抄录。
借人东西来使用:~三天就归还。 把用于某种用途的事物用于另一种用途:“道具”原指和尚念经时所用的东西,现在~来指演戏时所用的器物。…
Will stuff renting a person use: A low bank of earth between fields of hazel of protruding of Yang! Delay rotten flatter to hold Zhong Meng of extensive of a flat stone on iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides of rotten Zou of cadmium of contraction of neon of Zhong Meng lens prop the thing that when pointing to bonze recite scriptures formerly, uses, ...
借组词、用组词、 镌发、党众、华臧、获旌、道揆、隽雅、绝密、高接、噤哑、箭箙、飧钱、狂犘、邪诡、此者、弊盖、无楫、从彝、谨摄、昆岫、借用、