yǔn sì
意思解释:(Allow heir)子嗣。
Successive, continue. does the person that catch a snake say : " of cease of of of of of Cheng curtain brags the ~ that of honest of of A of excuse me of altar raw meat or fish fights soldier of of Tun mansion to cannot decide Lu Hou. ③ son, descendants. big Yu Mo of · of a high official in ancient China : 8 ゼ ah !
允组词、嗣组词、 捡勘、斗钿、邦禄、泞潦、驮道、躯干、五苦、操揔、持盈、花鬘、稳静、灌鬯、前奏、缠迫、西缶、顷步、寰遂、泽惠、县异、允嗣、