bàn gōng
意思解释:(Half bend)半弓形。形容弦月。 半弓之地。形容面积很小。弓,旧时丈量地亩的计算单位。一弓等于五尺。 俗以“一虎口”(约五寸)为一弓。半弓约二三寸。旧时用以形容妇女缠过的小足。
Appearance land area is very small. Bend, ground of old times measure mu computational unit. One bend is equal to 5 feet. Pan flying sound bridge of creek of emigrant horizontal stroke : of stand upright of of wooden tablets or slips for writing of bay Jue Mou blames to fold of heart pa Xing! Zi of hail call on breaks the that change ⒖ to make an appointment with 5 inches) for one bend. Half bend makes an appointment with 23 inches. ...
半组词、弓组词、 二蚕、营火、抡捆、进场、贫贾、候仪、死限、云乡、昌瑞、讨本、牛兵、异轨、字迹、考责、练识、犷厉、裁度、调疾、树色、半弓、