
nòng zhāng

意思解释:(Do Zuo )亦作“弄獐”。 皆为“弄璋”之讹。因用以嘲写错别字。典出《旧唐书·李林甫传》:“太常少卿姜度,林甫舅子,度妻诞子,林甫手书庆之曰:'闻有弄獐之庆。'客视之掩口。”




Li Linfu of Tang Chaozai photograph with (Di or bastinado of Duo) Du Wei prevent; does Zuo with doing a jade tablet to be. The literary quotation to read written or mispronounced character is used after. old the Tang Dynasty is book · Li Linfu passed : Coat He shows Φ urinates 〔 thirsty protects M of of deceive of apricot of  of Zheng of apricot of Gu of small box of  ∪ search prevent ' 2 words person, lin Fu does not know word, call does Zhi of Wei of man of serve of the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs in feudal China say: Du He of M of  cough Pi also ' Zhi bow one's head not dare character.

