
ǒu chéng

意思解释:(Become occasionally)配成婚姻。 偶然成功。 偶然写成。多用于诗词题中。如 唐 白居易 有《分司洛中多暇数与诸客宴游醉后狂吟偶成十韵》诗, 宋 曾觌 有《木兰花慢·长乐台晚望偶成》词。


敬“偶”指配偶。意谓配成婚姻。例令郎与如此高洁的淑女偶成姻缘,真乃天作之合。  注意:“偶成”作“偶然成功或文章诗词等偶然写成”的意思讲时,是谦辞。例:阁下所托之事,我自潜心操持,今日偶成,何足盛誉。/愚弟前日无聊…


Respect occasionally point to a spouse. Mean matchs marriage. Exemple your son and so high-minded fair maiden become the fate brings lovers together occasionally, it is heaven-made union really. Notice: Ba of a huge legendary turtle of fraud of umbrella of Ba draw water conceives angry of the leech that bask in  to lead  real trouble already already suddenly enters  of tall of Ji Caibao  of Jin of umbrella barium bursa just the thing that place of @ Your Exllency asks, I am managed from with great concentration, become occasionally now, sufficient high reputation. / eve of I younger brother is dull...

