
yóu xún

意思解释:(By a period of ten days)[梵yojana]古印度计程单位。一由旬的长度,我国古有八十里、六十里、四十里等诸说。见《翻译名义集·数量》。




Make again Zuo Zuo that or Zuo copy that . The name is counted in ancient India. note dimension rub classics 6: Stop divinatory symbols ' by a period of ten days, name of the number in Tian Zhu also. Go up by a period of ten days 60 lis, in by a period of ten days 50 lis, below by a period of ten days 40 lis also. is mother a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty saved between eye male Lian Ming greatly : Locust of buy of Ru of  of  of skirt of Qi of  of fear of eight Su gun this deceive of Tuo small cup! Thin

