jìn shì
意思解释:(Close thing)浅鄙之事。 近日之事,过去不久的事情。
The thing recently, in the past before long thing. Lu Xun does Tan Jinsheng sigh : Lv of of intermediary of of rancorring of Piao of of 8 copy summary grand flies to bay cease damask is decadent of soil of brilliant of Yi of ⑽ of of Shu of the member that Qun of Tao of Duo of of bursa Huan is slaughtered! Thin
近组词、事组词、 金李、小红、取得、规脱、按治、排货、浮棚、灼虐、仁德、瘦筇、排水、凄轸、馈携、椎炼、专君、伪道、入钱、输志、押引、近事、