
zhèng xián

意思解释:(Sine)除了在角的终边上的顶点外,任何点的 Y 坐标被该点和顶点的距离所除,顶点和平面直角坐标系的原点重合,而角的初始边和正 X 轴相重合。




One of trigonometric function. 1610 benefit Ma antrum brief points of manage musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass : Case seal not ∈ versine, sine, Yu Xian, Yu Shi. 1857 Wei intense inferior is force made up 6 add up to Cong Tan 7: Ah aspic hey does Ju of ┪ of  of stand upright of Fen of Huan of  lossen soil with a hoe climb  of oxime of suddenly of force of the brand that tie stay away from home does Yan of food container of  of  of  of cracking ⒊ suitable  see Li only then stop does  art  add Jie of Shen ǎ  does mew shake what of Xi of be addicted to truly Zheng  

