tīng lǎn
意思解释:(Listen see)听事览文。谓处理政务。
Call the emperor hold court. Sima Xiangru go up Lin Fu : Partly Tuan high mountain scoops up of detailed of school big and thick blinks of ィ of Bei of fall from the sky of cheese of Cheng Lan to kill excuse me of Zu ⒂ Gua! Thin
听组词、览组词、 庀役、爱吝、还课、洒翰、怨詈、栖息、书启、恰方、礼秩、耻心、伏从、暗冥、募选、阻迟、凡吏、鱼汤、钩葛、咯娄、规靡、听览、