
tuī mò

意思解释:(Push grind)谓故意延宕。 转动石磨。




Rotational stone mill of ò of Tu ī M. She Juying does the sun rise from here :  of ∨ of Dang of Mou of apology of Ao Miao Fang makes fun of Fu of  of grave of swollen  of ⒅ of yo of amine of ⑹ of Chu of course of study of  grow Yi virtuous quite ァ ! ó of M of ī of hail Zuo U points to intended delay. Chen Dengke bare dragon and Dan Feng : Unplug cheek and ministry tip accumulate  of  of bore with a reamer of center of  of  of ィ of suitable Wu of fan of  of acyl of  rising abruptly quite ァ ! Thin

