
gài tóu

意思解释:(Cover a head)女子结婚时蒙在头上遮住脸的红巾。 某些地区妇女挡风沙用的蒙头巾。 旧时妇女外出时,用以蔽尘的面巾披肩。




< renown > cap; is built. Wu Yu. Shanghai [] , inn of Shanghai Song Jiang, treasure mountain collect, south collect Zhou Pu. Jiangsu red is in relief [] , Jiang Yin, promote without stannum, Changzhou, Suzhou, appropriate, Cheng Ze of Xi Gang of Li this world, Jin Tan, Jing Jiang, Wujiang. Zhejiang peaceful wave. Ying Zhong · of explain archaic or dialectal words in current language of check of character of another name for Ningbo commentate implement :  of Liu of Chi of Ao Yao Di steals arc  ! The  that shut Jing merchant Α of Qian ⒂ Qi

