
jīng shè

意思解释:(Essence of life is abandoned)讲学的处所;收斋。 僧道居住或说法布道的处所。 指心,古人认为心是精神所居之处。




Old times study, learn to abandon, part is born the place that apprentice discourses on an academic subject. Bao Xianchuan of · of book of the later Han dynasty : Make clam smooth with a rake Song of colour of  of ⅰ of  #  ! : of the East China Sea of Bei  A is built. ) the place that ② points to to the Xiu Lian of Taoism priest, monk lives. discipline of emperor of fierce of filial piety of advance book · : Dark Yan sweets wine Song of Piao of closely question of  of ⅰ of  of Fu Chi ǎ !  of Ge of  of honest of  of model of feeling of hail big pool  Α !

