hù chì
意思解释:(Mutually exclusive)互相排斥。 火成岩结晶时在两种物质平衡的条件下,一种成分因另一种的存在而受排斥。
< move > mutual repulsion. ◇ is current the heat that find a root , it is actually global consciousness with the consciousness that find a root the necessary process of the contradictory motion with contrary mutually exclusive and unripe, complementary photograph. (Because ◇ of.1986.5) of new Hua Wenzhai suffers extensive is moralistic traditional effect, existing in fact dualism of economy, morality or justice benefit 2 minutes mutually exclusive ...
互组词、斥组词、 打猎、冷气、杰猾、笔工、亮察、团结、绳坐、推拿、私充、心垢、雷野、御扞、肃森、注泄、玉宇、放试、现洋、观想、弹簧、互斥、