
cí pǔ

意思解释:(A collection of tunes of Chinese poems)指每一词牌的格式,亦指集合词调各种体式,经过分类编排,给填词者作依据的书。内容主要介绍填词的各种规则,如字句定额、声韵安排、词调来源等。现传最早的词谱为明·张?《诗余图谱》。较完备的有清·万树的《词律》和清·王奕清等合编的《钦定词谱》。




Write words and make a poem differ. Besides the person that music seldom is made after number writes a speech first, it is to press a law to make music first commonly, press chart compose a poem to a given tune of ci thereafter. The compose a poem to a given tune of ci that press chart is write words has a when fasten Yu Zunshi to be mixed first and foremost main feature. The music that place of compose a poem to a given tune of ci uses, every has two kinds. One kind is phonic guide. Phonic guide is opern or music of a song, be record melody with tone symbol...

