yí xùn
意思解释:(Teachings of the deceased)前人留下或死者生前所说的有教育意义的话。
Forefathers stays have the word that benefit gained from sb's wisdom. Tao Qian the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems year old only then spring Tian She of meditate on the past : Chasm of of small of postscript benevolence τ brandish look is fourth! Thin
遗组词、训组词、 支兵、志局、行教、牵延、憎恨、俵养、热闷、述怀、禾杆、进旅、狂药、御黄、课儿、代购、风赋、王者、妄言、山峡、不骜、遗训、